WordPress 5 Is here, it has finally been release, i have updated and i’m excited about the new chapter of wordpress, the gutenberg editor on wordpress 5 is an great start the the system, I like the quick tops they provide are excellently placed as usual.
Its great to finally be able to use the gutenberg install without a system error showing or slow load rate on the page editor.
I think great thinks are coming with the new editor applied, excellent work
over the next week i will be place a blog on after a few days playing to see if all these functions actually work smooth and without and errors appearing
Oh did you know that my bootstrap 4 free theme is actually
redux-framework are writing in their blog that the new redux-framework will be compatable with Gutenberg editor, which make your developments endless, they are also asking for donations to keep the framework free
I’m getting excited over these changes as WordPress with Gutenberg editor + redux-framework 4 will be an excellent choice for developers worldwide.